Leonard Cheshire welcomes IDC report on value of UK Aid

Tiziana Oliva, Executive Director, Global Influencing and Impact responds to the International Development Committee’s (IDC) recent report, which demonstrates the importance of retaining the Department for International Development’s (DFID) expertise in disability inclusion in global development.

“We welcome the latest report from the International Development Committee (IDC), highlighting the pivotal role the Department for International Development (DFID) plays in tackling poverty and ensuring global sustainable development plans are inclusive.

“The UK, with leadership from DFID, has been a global champion in disability inclusion, providing life-changing education, employment and social opportunities for persons with disabilities. This absolutely must continue. Leonard Cheshire wants to see the recommendations from the IDC report put into action, ensuring the UK’s world-class expertise in development and inclusion are maintained in the DFID and Foreign Commonwealth Office (FCO) merger.”

Tiziana Oliva, Executive Director, Global Influencing and Impact